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Sataf 2 76x56cm

Abu Tor 76x56cm

Grove at sunset 76x56cm

Towards the Old City 76x56cm

Habad street 56x38cm

Secret garden 56x76cm

Overgrown 56x38cm

Yemin Moshe 56x38cm

Ein Prat 38x56cm

Hidden courtyard 56x76cm

Hidden passageway 56x38cm

Venerable 58x38cm

Outside the walls 56x38cm

Abandoned 56x38cm

Backlight 56x38cm

Across the street 3 76x56cm

Gai ben Hinnom 76x56cm

Jerusalem's light 76x56cm

The windmill 76x56cm

Looking eastward 76x56cm

Ein Kerem 2 56x76cm

Renewal 56x38cm

From above 56x76cm

Looking at Old City walls 76x56cm

Har Tsion 76x56cm

Glimpse 38x56cm

Up to light 58x38cm

Har Eitan 38x28cm

The moon grove 56x38cm

Old stone walls 76x56cm

Jerusalem in the distance 76x56cm

Spring 56x38cm

Spring 2 56x38cm

Spring 3 56x38cm

Forsaken 76x56cm

Sataf 76x56cm

Across the street 2 76x56cm

Spring 76x56cm

Lonely 56x76cm

Forgotten 76x56cm
Copyright ©2024-2025, Beni Gassenbauer
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